Keith Singleton
Harvester, At-Large
Alaskan Leader Seafoods
F/V Miss Heather
Bristol Bay Drift Fisherman
I started my career in the Alaska fishing industry in 1974 at the age of 16. We were Beach Seining and setnet gillnetting at Uganik Bay on Kodiak Island.
In 1978 I ventured into the Bering Sea on the brand new 107’ Marco built F/V Early Dawn.
I spent 7 years with the Mezich family fishing crab, chasing Herring in Togiak and tendering salmon in Bristol Bay, Kodiak and Southeast Alaska.
Eventually, I took crab skipper jobs and also moved into drift gillnetting in Egegik, Bristol Bay. To date, I have spent the last 42 years off and on fishing the Bay each summer.
Throughout my career I have ventured into value added sales of Alaska seafood. One of my proudest moments is when my team and I were recognized by the Symphony of Seafood competition for innovative product in several categories.
I enjoy giving back to the industry that’s cultivated my career and am very active with Alaska Fisheries Development Foundation.