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Chris Mierzejek – Vice President

Processor, At-Large

Chris Mierzejek of the Aleutian Pribilof Island Community Development Association (APICDA) has been a AFDF Board members since 2014. Chris started work with APICDA in 1998 as their Fishery Quota Manager and has since moved up the internal ranks of the company. Chris now serves as our Director of Administration and has so for the last 20 years. In addition to being a long time Alaskan resident, Chris commercially fished and worked at various hatcheries the in the early 1980’s and 90’s. While in St. George, Alaska, in the early 1990’s, Chris developed and implemented a successful salmon hatchery program for the St. George School. He holds a bachelor’s degree in Fishery Science with a minor in Mariculture. Chris sat on the AKCRRAB steering committee and continues to explore mariculture/aquaculture and fishery opportunities for APICDA. Chris frequently interacts with various fishery related agencies both in the industry and regulatory arena. In Chris’s current position with APICDA, senior management allows Chris latitude to research and develop economic opportunities for the representative communities of APICDA which include: Atka, Akutan, False Pass, Nelson Lagoon, Nikolski, and St. George.

Chris currently lives in Anchorage with his wife Beverly. Though not a participant in in the commercial fisheries, Chris continues to pursue personal fishing activates throughout the state. His most current challenge and joy is keeping up with his one-year-old grandson -Gerald (Jerry). Chris extremely enjoys his work, position with APICDA, and living in Alaska