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Fishing Vessel Energy Audit Pilot Project – Helping You Save Money!

November 19-21, 2014


As a part of a continuing efforts to reduce energy consumption and costs for Alaskans, the State of Alaska appropriated $250,000 to AFDF to implement a fishing vessel energy audit pilot project. AFDF will be collaboratively working with the University of Alaska’s Marine Advisory Program (MAP) and a stakeholder Steering Committee in order to be successful in developing a useful tool for the industry.

The pilot project will be conducted over the next 2-3 years, with first year primarily focused on the design of the project and the second year focused on conducting the audits. Throughout the project, AFDF and MAP will also be conducting outreach with the industry regarding the audits and results. A baseline energy use survey will also be conducted in order to help determine if energy use is going down, and if so, by how much.

MAP’s Terry Johnson has been invited to present on the subject of commercial fishing vessel energy efficiency and will provide a project update at the Pacific Marine Expo’s National Fisherman Profitable Harvest Breakfast on November 19-21, 2014.

AFDF is currently seeking industry representatives to serve on the Steering Committee for the project, as well as vessel owners who would like to have an energy audit conducted. If you are interested in either of these opportunities, please contact AFDF at 907-276-7315.

Alaska Fisheries Development Foundation Logo.