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1983 Recover and Evaluate Marketable Products from Cod Trimmings


The Project utilized trimmings from filleting Pacific cod, in particular J-cut napes, aboard the F/T Arctic Trawler.

The products selected for testing were: standard 16.5 lb. minced fish blocks with emphasis on removing cod worms from flesh and reducing moisture content of minced fish; surimi from napes; nape blocks from trimmed, cleaned nape pieces.

J-cut napes were found to weigh the equivalent of about 33% of the skinless, boneless fillet from which they were derived. The various products produced showed potential for contributing significant revenue to filleting operations- from $0.36 to $0.59 per pound of napes entering the process. This is equivalent to adding $0.12 to $0.20 of revenue per pound of fillets produced. 

The Project was successful in employing Japanese surimi making machinery to remove cod worms and moisture from minced flesh. Surimi was produced from cod napes which had an excellent jelly strength at the time of processing, but not following 6 months of storage.

1983 Recover and Evaluate Marketable Products from Cod Trimmings